This year marks the 15th Anniversary of the launch of my business, McLysaght Consulting. How fortunate am I to be able to celebrate this milestone?!
It’s given me pause to consider the people whose presence and support have been instrumental to this journey.
My husband, John Courtney, with his unwavering belief in me and his vision of what I could create (which was and continues to be far greater than I imagine for myself), is at the foundation of any success I’ve achieved. Without any formal training or even consciously trying, he’s one of the best coaches I’ve ever known. From savvy sparring partner to brainstormer to best friend, John is my rock.
My former Wrigley manager, Debby Hyde, gave me the OK to launch this “side hustle” while I was still running our global Leadership Development function. Who does that? I’ll tell you who. Someone who held the aspirations of her people as if they were her own and then championed and encouraged them to take flight. What a gift.
My friends and former colleagues. Starting a business is both exciting and daunting. You need cheerleaders just as much as you need caring critics and honest sounding boards. Too many to mention individually, so I’ll say this: Whether you told me in passing that you believed in me or that I’d be good at this, or you referred a client to me, or let me talk out loud for an hour about an idea, or held me up as I went through some of life’s challenges, you have been integral to my work and my life. None of us achieves our goals in a vacuum and I am grateful to all of you who have been with me along the way.
Finally, all of my clients. More than 50 companies and over 300 individuals and teams have engaged me to support their growth and elevate their performance. That’s so very humbling and an honor to be a trusted partner. I’m thankful for that trust and for the invitation to play a role in your success.
My deep and genuine thanks to all who made it possible for me to live my dream. Thank you!