Singing Your Own Praises

Many professionals find it challenging to take credit for their contributions and accomplishments. Maybe you’re humble. Maybe you don’t want to appear overly ambitious or be perceived as arrogant.  Maybe […]

Something to Celebrate!

This year marks the 15th Anniversary of the launch of my business, McLysaght Consulting.  How fortunate am I to be able to celebrate this milestone?! It’s given me pause to […]

4 Steps to Shift from Fear to Facilitation

As a follow-up to my last post, “Are You Using the Right F Word?”, this blog focuses on noticing when you’re operating from an Undermining F (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Frenzy) […]

Are You Using the Right “F” Word?

As the connection between neuroscience and leadership (and overall performance) becomes more evident, the conversations about the amygdala and Fight, Flight or Freeze responses become more ubiquitous. “Frenzy” is another […]

“Nice” is a Leadership Competency

Over the last year, I’ve faced a health issue that has been a challenge for me to accept and reconcile. Recently, it resulted in me falling to the ground at […]

What’s the Worst That Can Happen?

Eons ago in a college sociology class, the professor shared a study about what people fear most. I found the discussion illuminating at the time and still relevant today, so […]

Every Woman Has a Harvey Story

When I was a high school graduate, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my future. For a variety of reasons, I initially bypassed college and instead […]