Early in my HR career, I was assigned to work with a C-Suite executive who was seriously challenged in filling a key position on his staff. Twelve people flew through that […]
Category Archives: Blog
A Good Coach is Prepared to Be Fired
I’m often asked by those looking to make a career transition into executive coaching what it takes to be effective in this role. My response always begins with a foundation […]
When Your Boss Has All the Answers … And Thinks You Don’t
Lately, I’ve been reminded of an insightful observation from none other than the comic genius, George Carlin: “Ever notice how anyone driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone […]
“What If?” as Inspiration, not Obstacle
In recent weeks, I’ve found myself in conversation with many people contemplating significant career changes that would spawn major life changes. As I listen to these friends and clients, I’ve […]
Suggested Reading
Since getting married in 2009, launching my business in 2010, then having my son in 2011, life has gotten very busy – in all good ways, but BUSY!! Long gone […]
Part 3: Culture & Capabilities
So far, we’ve looked at behaviors and key actions that support leaders in guiding their businesses out of a flat or declining stretch. Now it’s time to turn our attention […]
Part 2: Success Behaviors for Leading Through a Downturn
In this second installment on Leading Through a Downturn, we’ll look at behaviors and modes of operating that can either accelerate an organization’s recovery or tether it to its slump. […]
Part 1: Instill Confidence, Not Comfort
A leader’s job is not to make their people feel comfortable. It’s to make them feel confident. How can you do that? 1- Address failures swiftly, directly and briefly. Then […]
3-Part Series: Leading the Way Out of a Downturn
Every business faces a downturn of sorts at some point in its life cycle. While the specifics of each downturn will vary by company, the impact on the people and […]
The Power of Being Committed, Not Attached
Like anyone reading this blog, there have been times in my life where I found myself at a crossroad where I knew the path I wanted to take, yet felt […]